What Is The Neonatal Kitten Age?

This a great kitten age/growth chart! Kitten care newborn, Kitten
This a great kitten age/growth chart! Kitten care newborn, Kitten from www.pinterest.com

Most kittens are born in the spring and summer, although some may be born year-round. Kittens are considered neonates from birth until they are about two weeks old. During this time, the kittens rely completely on their mother for survival. After two weeks, kittens are considered transition kittens and are beginning to develop their own independent skills. Understanding the age of a kitten is an important part of providing the proper care for your pet.

Critical Periods During Neonatal Kitten Age

The neonatal kitten age is a critical period for kittens. During this period, kittens are most susceptible to illness, infection and death. Kittens can die easily if they don’t receive the proper care and nutrition. During this period, kittens need to be kept warm and clean, and should receive frequent feedings. Kittens should also be monitored for signs of infection or illness. If kittens are not given proper care, their health can suffer and can even lead to death.

Developmental Milestones During Neonatal Kitten Age

Kittens will begin to develop during the neonatal kitten age. At two weeks old, kittens will begin to open their eyes and ears and become more active. Kittens will also begin to crawl, although they will not be able to walk until they are about four weeks old. Kittens will also begin to eat solid food and use the litter box. As kittens reach the age of eight weeks, they will be more social and able to be weaned from their mother.

Care During Neonatal Kitten Age

Kittens need lots of care during the neonatal kitten age. Kittens should be kept in a warm and clean environment. Kittens should be bottle-fed every few hours, using a special kitten formula. Kittens should also be kept away from other animals, as they are susceptible to infections and illnesses. Kittens should also be monitored for signs of illness or infection, such as diarrhea, vomiting or lethargy.

Vaccinations During Neonatal Kitten Age

Kittens should begin to receive vaccinations at 8 weeks of age. Vaccines are important for protecting kittens from infectious diseases. Kittens should receive a series of shots over the course of several months. These shots will help protect kittens from diseases such as feline distemper, feline leukemia, and feline infectious peritonitis. It is important to discuss vaccination schedules with your veterinarian.

Socialization During Neonatal Kitten Age

Socialization is an important part of kitten care. During the neonatal kitten age, kittens should be gently handled and exposed to different sounds, sights, and smells. This will help kittens become more social and less fearful as they grow older. Socialization is especially important for kittens that will be adopted into homes.

Spaying and Neutering During Neonatal Kitten Age

Kittens should be spayed or neutered at 6 months of age. Spaying and neutering will help reduce the number of homeless cats and kittens, as well as reduce the risk of certain diseases. It is important to discuss spaying and neutering with your veterinarian.


The neonatal kitten age is an important period for kittens. Kittens need lots of care and attention during this period. Kittens need to be kept warm, clean, and should receive regular feedings. Kittens should also be monitored for signs of infection or illness. Finally, kittens should receive their vaccinations and be spayed or neutered at 6 months of age.

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